演講者: 班榮超 教授 (政大應數系)

演講者:班榮超 教授 (政大應數系)

Continuity of the Hausdorff dimensions and topological pressures for non-conformal repellers


地點:校本部第二綜合大樓8樓 B808 教室

In this paper, we prove that the Hausdorff dimensions of $C^{1}$ expanding repellers are continuous at conformal repellers in $C^{1}$ topology. This is a direct corollary of our main result. Some counterexamples show that they may not be continuous at some non-conformal repellers. We conjecture that this phenomena is true for all the non-conformal repellers whose Hausdorff dimension is strictly less than its singularity dimension. Meanwhile, we survey some results on the dimensions of self-affine sets and non-conformal repellers.